Source code for hax.paxroot

"""Utility functions for loading and looping over a pax root file
import logging
import os
import numpy as np
import json
import warnings

from tqdm import tqdm
from pax.exceptions import MaybeOldFormatException

    import ROOT
    from import load_event_class, load_pax_event_class_from_root, ShutUpROOT
except ImportError as e:
    warnings.warn("Error importing ROOT-related libraries: %s. "
                  "If you try to use ROOT-related functions, hax will crash!" % e)

import hax
from hax import runs
from hax.utils import find_file_in_folders

log = logging.getLogger('hax.paxroot')

[docs]def get_filename(run_id): try: run_name = runs.get_run_name(run_id) filename = runs.datasets.loc[runs.datasets['name'] == run_name].iloc[0].location except (IndexError, AttributeError): # Either we don't know this dataset, or runs.datasets is None (if runs db is not used) print("Don't know a run named %s, trying to find it anyway..." % run_id) filename = find_file_in_folders(run_id + '.root', hax.config['main_data_paths']) if not filename: raise ValueError("Cannot find processed data for run name %s." % run_id) return filename
[docs]def open_pax_rootfile(run_id, load_class=True): """Opens pax root file for run_id, compiling classes/dictionaries as needed. Returns TFile object. if load_class is False, will not load the event class. You'll only be able to read metadata from the file. """ return _open_pax_rootfile(get_filename(run_id), load_class=load_class)
def _open_pax_rootfile(filename, load_class=True): """Opens pax root file filename, compiling classes/dictionaries as needed. Returns TFile object. if load_class is False, will not load the event class. You'll only be able to read metadata from the file. """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise ValueError("%s does not exist!" % filename) if load_class: try: load_pax_event_class_from_root(filename) except MaybeOldFormatException: log.warning("Root file %s does not include pax event class. Normal for pax < 4.5." "Falling back to event class for pax %s" % (filename, hax.config['old_pax_class_version'])) # Load the pax class for the data format version load_event_class(os.path.join(hax.config['old_pax_classes_dir'], 'pax_event_class_%d.cpp' % hax.config['old_pax_class_version'])) return ROOT.TFile(filename)
[docs]def get_metadata(run_id): """Returns the metadata dictionary stored in the pax root file for run_id. """ return _get_metadata(get_filename(run_id))
def _get_metadata(filename): # Suppress warning about classes not being loaded (we're doing that on purpose) with ShutUpROOT(): f = _open_pax_rootfile(filename, load_class=False) metadata = f.Get('pax_metadata').GetTitle() metadata = json.loads(metadata) f.Close() return metadata # An exception you can raise to stop looping over the current dataset
[docs]class StopEventLoop(Exception): pass
[docs]def function_results_datasets(datasets_names, event_function=lambda event, **kwargs: None, event_lists=None, branch_selection=None, kwargs=None, desc=''): """Returns a generator which yields the return values of event_function(event) over the datasets specified in datasets_names. :param dataset_names: list of datataset names or numbers, or string/int of a single dataset name/number :param event_function: function to run over each event :param event_lists: a list of event numbers (if you're loading in a single dataset) to visit, or a list of lists of event numbers for each of the datasets passed in datasets_names. :param branch_selection: can be - None (all branches are read), - 'basic' (hax.config['basic_branches'] are read), or - a list of branches to read. :param kwargs: dictionary of extra arguments to pass to event_function. For example: kwargs={'x': 2, 'y': 3} --> function called like: event_function(event, x=2, y=3) :param desc: Description used in the tqdm progressbar """ if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if not isinstance(datasets_names, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): datasets_names = [datasets_names] if event_lists is not None: event_lists = [event_lists] for dset_i, run_id in enumerate(datasets_names): rootfile = open_pax_rootfile(run_id) # If you get "'TObject' object has no attribute 'GetEntries'" here, # we renamed the tree to T1 or TPax or something... or you're trying to load a Xerawdp root file! t = rootfile.Get('tree') if branch_selection == 'basic': branch_selection = hax.config['basic_branches'] # Activate the desired branches if branch_selection: t.SetBranchStatus("*", 0) for bn in branch_selection: t.SetBranchStatus(bn, 1) try: if event_lists is None: # Visit all events n_events = t.GetEntries() source = range(n_events) else: # Visit only the desired events source = event_lists[dset_i] n_events = len(source) if hax.config.get('tqdm_on', True): source = tqdm(source, desc='Run %s: %s' % (run_id, desc), total=n_events) for event_i in source: t.GetEntry(event_i) event = yield event_function(event, **kwargs) except StopEventLoop: rootfile.Close() except Exception as e: rootfile.Close() raise e
[docs]def loop_over_datasets(*args, **kwargs): """Execute a function over all events in the dataset(s) Does not return anything: use function_results_dataset or pass a class method as event_function if you want results. See function_results_datasets for possible options. """ for _ in function_results_datasets(*args, **kwargs): # do nothing with the results pass
# For backward compatibility loop_over_dataset = loop_over_datasets