Source code for hax.pmt_plot

# Plot some data on the PMT arrays
# Jelle, February 2016
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from pax.configuration import load_configuration
from hax.utils import flatten_dict

# Load the PMT data from the pax configuration

# Convert PMT/channel map to record array
# TODO: depends on experiment, should do after init
pax_config = load_configuration('XENON1T')
pmt_data = pd.DataFrame([flatten_dict(info, separator=':')
                         for info in pax_config['DEFAULT']['pmts']
                         if 'array' in info])
pmt_numbering_start = pmt_data['pmt_position'].min()

# Plotting functions

def _pad_to_length_of(a, b):
    """Pads a with zeros until it has the length of b"""
    lendiff = len(b) - len(a)
    if lendiff < 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot pad a negative number of zeros!")
    elif lendiff > 0:
        return np.concatenate((a, np.zeros(lendiff)))
        return a

def _plot_pmts(ax, xkey, color, size,
    """Makes a scatter plot of pmts on ax, with xkey (index in pmt_data) on x axis.
     - color, size: control PMT marker properties
     - ykey: index in pmt_data. If given, is put on y axis. If not,  make y axis a meaningless int to distringuish pmts.
     - pmt_selection: legal index array to pmt_data, selects pmts to plot
     - tight_limits: if True, clip limits to min and max of xkey and ykey
    Any kwargs will be passed to ax.scatter

    Returns the return value of ax.scatter (useful to define a colorbar).
    # Pad color and size with zeros, to support just TPC PMTs, for example
    color = _pad_to_length_of(color, pmt_data)
    size = _pad_to_length_of(size, pmt_data)

    if pmt_selection is None:
        # Select all PMTs
        pmt_selection = np.ones(len(pmt_data), dtype=np.bool_)

    xlabel = xkey

    if ykey is None:
        # No y key given, make y a duplication counter
        ykey = 'pmt_position'
        ylabel = 'Meaningless integer'

        x, pmt_numbers = pmt_data[pmt_selection][[xkey, 'pmt_position']].as_matrix().T

        n_occs = defaultdict(float)
        y = []
        for i, q in enumerate(x):
            n_occs[q] += 1
        y = np.array(y)

        ylabel = ykey
        x, y, pmt_numbers = pmt_data[pmt_selection][[xkey, ykey, 'pmt_position']].as_matrix().T

    # For xkey and ykey, if integer values, change to a categorical axis
    tick_labels = {}
    for q, qname in ((x, 'x'), (y, 'y')):
        if isinstance(q[0], (int,, np.int32, np.int64)):
            labels = sorted(list(set(q)))
            for i, w in enumerate(q):
                q[i] = labels.index(w)
            tick_labels[qname] = labels
            locals()[qname] = q

    # Plot the PMT as circles with specified colors and sizes
    sc = ax.scatter(x, y, c=color[pmt_selection], s=size[pmt_selection], **kwargs)

    # Show the PMT id texts
    for i in range(len(x)):
        ax.text(x[i], y[i], int(pmt_numbers[i]),
                fontsize=8, va='center', ha='center')

    # Set limits and labels
    lim_scale = 1.3
    if tight_limits:
        ax.set_xlim(x.min() * lim_scale, x.max() * lim_scale)
        ax.set_ylim(y.min() * lim_scale, y.max() * lim_scale)

    # Set categorical ticks
    for qname, labels in tick_labels.items():
        getattr(plt, qname + 'ticks')(np.arange(len(labels)), labels,
                                      rotation='vertical' if qname == 'x' else 'horizontal')

    return sc

[docs]def plot_on_pmt_arrays(color=None, size=None, geometry='physical', title=None, scatter_kwargs=None, colorbar_kwargs=None): """Plot a scatter plot of PMTs in a specified geometry, with a specified color and size of the markers. Color or size must be per-PMT array that is indexable by another array, i.e. must be np.array and not list. scatter_kwargs will be passed to plt.scatter colorbar_kwargs will be passed to plt.colorbar geometry can be 'physical', a key from pmt_data, or a 2-tuple of keys from pmt_data. """ if scatter_kwargs is None: scatter_kwargs = dict() if colorbar_kwargs is None: colorbar_kwargs = dict() if size is None: if color is None: raise ValueError("Give me at least size or color") size = 1000 * np.array(color) / np.nanmean(color) if color is None: color = 0 * np.ones(len(size)) # Geometry shortcuts geometry = dict(digitizer=('digitizer:module', 'digitizer:channel'), amplifier=('amplifier:serial', 'amplifier:plug'), high_voltage=('high_voltage:connector', 'high_voltage:channel'), signal=('signal:connector', 'signal:channel'), ).get(geometry, geometry) if geometry == 'physical': # For the physical geometry, plot the top and bottom arrays side-by-side. _, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(20, 7)) if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=24, x=0.435, y=1.0) # We must extract vmin and max explicitly, since we want two plots with the same scale scatter_kwargs.setdefault('vmin', np.nanmin(color)) scatter_kwargs.setdefault('vmax', np.nanmax(color)) for array_name, ax in (('top', ax1), ('bottom', ax2)): sc = _plot_pmts( ax=ax, xkey='position:x', ykey='position:y', color=color, size=size, pmt_selection=(pmt_data['array'] == array_name).as_matrix(), tight_limits=True, **scatter_kwargs) ax.set_title('%s array' % array_name.capitalize()) cax, _ = matplotlib.colorbar.make_axes([ax1, ax2]) plt.colorbar(sc, cax=cax, **colorbar_kwargs) else: plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8)) if isinstance(geometry, tuple) and len(geometry) == 2: xkey, ykey = geometry else: xkey, ykey = geometry, None sc = _plot_pmts(ax=plt.gca(), xkey=xkey, ykey=ykey, color=color, size=size, **scatter_kwargs) plt.colorbar(sc, **colorbar_kwargs)