Source code for hax.runs

Runs database utilities
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import logging
from glob import glob
import os
import fnmatch
import re
import pandas as pd
import pymongo
import numpy as np

import hax
from hax.utils import flatten_dict

log = logging.getLogger('hax.runs')

# This will hold the dataframe containing dataset info
# DO NOT import this directly (from hax.runs import datasets), you will
# just get None!
datasets = None

rundb_client = None

corrections_docs = {}

[docs]def get_rundb_password(): """Return the password to the runs db, if we know it""" if 'mongo_password' in hax.config: return hax.config['mongo_password'] elif 'MONGO_PASSWORD' in os.environ: return os.environ['MONGO_PASSWORD'] else: raise ValueError('Please set the MONGO_PASSWORD environment variable or the hax.mongo_password option ' 'to access the runs database.')
[docs]def get_rundb_database(): """Return the pymongo handle to the runs db database. You can use this to access other collections.""" global rundb_client if rundb_client is None: # Connect to the runs database rundb_client = pymongo.MongoClient(hax.config['runs_url'].format(password=get_rundb_password())) return(rundb_client[hax.config['runs_database']])
[docs]def get_rundb_collection(): """Return the pymongo handle to the runs db collection. You can use this to do queries like .find etc.""" return get_rundb_database()[hax.config['runs_collection']]
[docs]def update_datasets(query=None): """Update hax.runs.datasets to contain latest datasets. Currently just loads XENON100 run 10 runs from a csv file. query: custom query, in case you only want to update partially?? """ global datasets experiment = hax.config['experiment'] version_policy = hax.config['pax_version_policy'] if not hax.config.get('use_runs_db', True):"Not looking for datasets in runs, db since you put use_runs_db = False") return if experiment == 'XENON100': # Fetch runs information from static csv files in runs info for rundbfile in glob(os.path.join(hax.config['runs_info_dir'], '*.csv')): tpc, run = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rundbfile))[0].split('_') dsets = pd.read_csv(rundbfile) dsets = pd.concat((dsets, pd.DataFrame([{'tpc': tpc, 'run': run}] * len(dsets))), axis=1) if datasets is not None and len(datasets): datasets = pd.concat((datasets, dsets), ignore_index=True) else: datasets = dsets elif experiment == 'XENON1T': collection = get_rundb_collection() docs = [] if query is None: query = {} query['detector'] = hax.config.get('detector', hax.config['detector']) log.debug("Updating datasets from runs database... ") cursor = collection.find(query, ['name', 'number', 'start', 'end', 'source', 'reader.self_trigger', '', 'trigger.events_built', 'trigger.status', '', 'data']) for doc in cursor: # Process and flatten the doc # Convert tags to single string doc['tags'] = ','.join([t['name'] for t in doc.get('tags', [])]) doc = flatten_dict(doc, separator='__') del doc['_id'] # Remove the Mongo document ID if 'data' in doc: data_docs = doc['data'] del doc['data'] else: data_docs = [] doc = flatten_dict(doc, separator='__') if version_policy != 'loose': # Does the run db know where to find the processed data at this host? processed_data_docs = [d for d in data_docs if (d['type'] == 'processed' and hax.config['cax_key'] in d['host'] and d['status'] == 'transferred')] if version_policy != 'latest': # Filter out versions not consistent with the version policy. # We will take the latest of the remaining ones later processed_data_docs = [ d for d in processed_data_docs if version_is_consistent_with_policy(d['pax_version'])] # If there is a processed data consistent with the version # policy, set its location doc['location'] = '' doc['pax_version'] = '' if len(processed_data_docs): # Take the data doc with the most recent policy-consistent # pax version data_we_take = max(processed_data_docs, key=lambda x: LooseVersion(x['pax_version'])) doc['location'] = data_we_take['location'] doc['pax_version'] = data_we_take['pax_version'][1:] docs.append(doc) datasets = pd.DataFrame(docs) log.debug("... done.") # These may or may not have been set already: if 'pax_version' not in datasets: datasets['pax_version'] = [''] * len(datasets) if 'location' not in datasets: datasets['location'] = [''] * len(datasets) if 'raw_data_subfolder' not in datasets: datasets['raw_data_subfolder'] = [''] * len(datasets) if 'raw_data_found' not in datasets: datasets['raw_data_found'] = [False] * len(datasets) if 'raw_data_used_local_path' not in datasets: datasets['raw_data_used_local_path'] = [''] * len(datasets) dataset_names = datasets['name'].values if version_policy == 'loose': # Walk through main_data_paths, looking for root files # Reversed, since if we find a dataset again, we overwrite, and # usually people put first priority stuff at the front. for data_dir in reversed(hax.config.get('main_data_paths', [])): for candidate in glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '*.root')): # What dataset is this file for? dsetname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(candidate))[0] bla = np.where(dataset_names == dsetname)[0] if len(bla): # Dataset was found, index is in bla[0] datasets.loc[bla[0], 'location'] = candidate # For the raw data, we may need to look in subfolders ('run_10' etc) # don't do os.path.exist for each dataset, it will take minutes, at least # over sshfs if hax.config['raw_data_access_mode'] == 'local': for raw_data_path in hax.config['raw_data_local_path']: for subfolder, dsets_in_subfolder in datasets.groupby( 'raw_data_subfolder'): subfolder_path = os.path.join(raw_data_path, subfolder) if not os.path.exists(subfolder_path): log.debug( "Folder %s not found when looking for raw data" % subfolder_path) continue for candidate in os.listdir(subfolder_path): bla = np.where(dataset_names == candidate)[0] if len(bla): if not datasets.loc[bla[0], 'raw_data_found']: datasets.loc[bla[0], 'raw_data_used_local_path'] = raw_data_path datasets.loc[bla[0], 'raw_data_found'] = True
[docs]def version_tuple(v): """Convert a version indication string (e.g. "6.2.1") into a tuple of integers""" if v.startswith('v'): v = v[1:] return tuple(map(int, (v.split("."))))
[docs]def version_is_consistent_with_policy(version): """Returns if the pax version is consistent with the pax version policy. If policy is 6.2.1, only '6.2.1' (or 'v6.2.1') gives True If policy is 6.2, any of 6.2.0, 6.2.1 etc. gives True """ vp = hax.config['pax_version_policy'] if vp in ['loose', 'latest']: raise RuntimeError("This function should not be called if pax_version_policy is %s" % vp) vp = version_tuple(vp) version = version_tuple(version) for i, x in enumerate(vp): if version[i] != vp[i]: return False return True
[docs]def get_run_info(run_id, projection_query=None): """Returns a dictionary with the runs database info for a given run_id. For XENON1T, this queries the runs db to get the complete run doc. :param run_id: name or number, or list of such, of runs to query. If giving a list, it must be sorted! :param projection_query: can be - None (default): the entire run doc will be returned - string: runs db field name (with dots indicating subfields), we'll query and return only that field. - anything else: passed as projection to pymongo.collection.find For example 'processor.DEFAULT.electron_lifetime_liquid' returns the electron lifetime. """ if isinstance(projection_query, str): single_field_mode = True pq = {projection_query: True} else: single_field_mode = False pq = projection_query multi_run_mode = isinstance(run_id, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.Series)) if multi_run_mode: run_names = [get_run_name(x) for x in run_id] else: run_names = [get_run_name(run_id)] if not run_names == sorted(run_names): # We're going to ask mongo to return things in sorted order; user is # not expecting this... raise ValueError( "When querying the values of multiple runs, you must supply a sorted list of run ids!") if hax.config['experiment'] == 'XENON100': if multi_run_mode or single_field_mode: raise NotImplementedError( "For XENON100, only single-run, full run info queries are supported") return datasets[np.in1d(datasets['name'], run_names)].iloc[0].to_dict() elif hax.config['experiment'] == 'XENON1T': collection = get_rundb_collection() result = list(collection.find({'name': {'$in': run_names}, 'detector': hax.config['detector']}, pq).sort('name')) if len(result) == 0: raise ValueError("No runs matching %s found in run db!" % str(run_names)) if len(result) > 1: if not multi_run_mode: raise ValueError("More than one run named %s found in run db???" % run_names[0]) if single_field_mode: # Extract the single field the user requested for subkey in projection_query.split('.'): for i in range(len(result)): result[i] = result[i][subkey] if multi_run_mode: return result return result[0]
get_dataset_info = get_run_info # Synonym
[docs]def datasets_query(query): """Return names of datasets matching query""" return datasets.query(query)['name'].values
[docs]def get_run_name(run_id): """Return run name matching run_id. Returns run_id if run_id is string (presumably already run name)""" if isinstance(run_id, str): # Already have a string: assume this is the run name # ... However, somtimes people pass in full paths (e.g. when loading files untracked by the runs db). # We don't want slashes in the "run name", it should be something safe to join to other things. # Hence: return os.path.basename(run_id) try: return datasets_query('number == %d' % run_id)[0] except Exception as e: print( "Could not find run name for %s, got exception %s: %s. Setting run name to 'unknown'" % (run_id, type(e), str(e))) return "unknown"
[docs]def get_run_start(run_id): """Return the start time of the run as a datetime""" field = 'number' qid = run_id if isinstance(run_id, str): field = 'name' qid = '"%s"' % run_id try: return datasets.query('%s == %s' % (field, qid))['start'].values[0] except Exception as e: print("Didn't find a start time for run %s: %s" % (str(run_id), str(e))) return None
# return np.datetime64('2017-06-13T18:17:43.000000000')
[docs]def is_mc(run_id): try: pax_metadata = hax.paxroot.get_metadata(run_id)['configuration'] if 'MC' in pax_metadata and pax_metadata['MC']['mc_generated_data']: return True, pax_metadata else: return False, None except Exception: return False, None
[docs]def get_run_number(run_id): """Return run number matching run_id. Returns run_id if run_id is int (presumably already run int)""" if isinstance(run_id, (int, float,, np.int32, np.int64)): return int(run_id) if hax.config['experiment'] == 'XENON100': # Convert from XENON100 dataset name (like xe100_120402_2000) to # number if run_id.startswith('xe100_'): run_id = run_id[6:] run_id = run_id.replace('_', '') run_id = run_id[:10] return int(run_id) try: mc_data, pax_metadata = is_mc(run_id) if mc_data: mc_run_number = pax_metadata['MC']['mc_run_number'] print( "Run is tagged as MC data. Setting run number to MC assigned value of %i" % mc_run_number) return int(mc_run_number) except FileNotFoundError: # We can't find the file, so can't check if it is MC data. Assume it's ordinary data pass matching_runs = datasets.query('name == "%s"' % run_id)['number'] if not len(matching_runs): raise ValueError("Could not find run number: no run named %s in database." % run_id) if len(matching_runs) > 1: raise ValueError("Runs %s all match name %d, don't know which you want.." % ( matching_runs.number.values, run_id)) return matching_runs.values[0]
[docs]def tags_selection(dsets=None, include=None, exclude=None, pattern_type='fnmatch', ignore_underscore=True): """Return runs by tag selection criteria. :param dsets: pandas DataFrame, subset of datasets from hax.runs.datasets. If not provided, uses hax.runs.datasets itself (all datasets). :param include: String or list of strings of patterns of tags to include :param exclude: String or list of strings of patterns of tags to exclude. Exclusion criteria have higher priority than inclusion criteria. :param pattern_type: Type of pattern matching to use. Defaults to 'fnmatch', which means you can use unix shell-style wildcards (?, *). Alternative is 're', which means you can use full python regular expressions. :param ignore_underscore: Ignore the underscore at the start of some tags (indicating some degree of officialness or automation) when matching. Examples: - `tags_selection(include='blinded')` select all datasets with a blinded or _blinded tag. - `tags_selection(include='*blinded')` ... with blinded or _blinded, unblinded, blablinded, etc. - `tags_selection(include=['blinded', 'unblinded'])` ... with blinded OR unblinded, but not blablinded. - `tags_selection(include='blinded', exclude=['bad', 'messy'])` select blinded dsatasets that aren't bad or messy """ if dsets is None: dsets = hax.runs.datasets if include is not None: dsets = dsets[_tags_match(dsets, include, pattern_type, ignore_underscore)] if exclude is not None: dsets = dsets[True ^ _tags_match(dsets, exclude, pattern_type, ignore_underscore)] if include is not None and len(include): # For each include tag, get and print the "tag version" (if it exists). # This is mostly used for the sciencerunX tags. collection = get_rundb_collection() for itag in include: try: tags = collection.find_one( {"tags": {"$elemMatch": {"name": itag, "version": {"$exists": True}}}})['tags'] if tags is None: continue tag = [i for i in tags if i['name'] == itag][0] print("Tag '" + str(itag) + "' version: " + str(tag['version'] + " compiled on UTC " + str(tag['date']))) except TypeError: continue return dsets
def _tags_match(dsets, patterns, pattern_type, ignore_underscore): result = np.zeros(len(dsets), dtype=np.bool) if isinstance(patterns, str): patterns = [patterns] for i, tags in enumerate(dsets.tags): result[i] = any([any([_tag_match(tag, pattern, pattern_type, ignore_underscore) for tag in tags.split(',') for pattern in patterns])]) return result def _tag_match(tag, pattern, pattern_type, ignore_underscore): if ignore_underscore and tag.startswith('_'): tag = tag[1:] if pattern_type == 'fnmatch': return fnmatch.fnmatch(tag, pattern) elif pattern_type == 're': return bool(re.match(pattern, tag)) raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def count_tags(ds): """Return how often each tag occurs in the datasets DataFrame ds""" from collections import Counter from itertools import chain all_tags = chain(*[ts.split(',') for ts in ds['tags'].values]) return Counter(all_tags)
[docs]def load_corrections(): """Load all corrections that are stored on MongoDB as defined by the corrections field in the hax config. Corrections must be named the same as their collection name in the database 'run'. """ global corrections_docs for correction in hax.config['corrections']: db = get_rundb_database() if correction not in db.collection_names(): log.warning("Config asked for %s correction but didn't find in DB" % correction) continue try: corrections_docs[correction] = db[correction].find().sort("creation_time", -1)[0] except Exception as e: log.warning("Didn't find any docs in DB for %s correction: %s" % (correction, str(e))) continue